
Our Vicar

Rev. James M. Koshy Veeramala

Phone: +91 75589 10885

Dearly beloved "Bethelians",

We are entering a very significant month. All four Sundays of this month hold great importance for us.

On October first Sunday (October 6), we are celebrating Harvest Festival. The Holy Scripture reminds us of the significance of dedicating the first fruits, and it is a tradition taught to us by our ancestors. Dedication of the first fruits is what is intended through the Harvest Festival. Through that we are acknowledging that everything we have is a gift from God in His greatness, and it is time to share the best for the glory of God. Then it becomes a meaningful experience. Along with this, we are also supporting our Parish with financial assistance with the intention of the completion of our development projects. I request each earning member to participate and support to make this year's Harvest Festival a resounding success.

We observe the second Sunday (October 13) of this month as the day of the Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists' Association (Edavaka Mission Sunday). The goal of the MTVEA is that every member of the Mar Thoma Church becomes an evangelist. Our life itself should be the Christian witness. In our life's journey, nothing should accompany us that causes us to lose our commitment to the Gospel. The Edavaka Mission is the Parish level unit of MTVEA. I request more enthusiastic participation from more members, especially the young adults, in the activities of the Edavaka Mission.

The third Sunday (October 20) is Youth Sunday. The future of the church and the country lies in the youth. Youth is the phase of life where a meaningful vision and dedication towards life are formed. May all our young people grow in a lifestyle of fulfilling God's will through companionship with Jesus Christ. By God's grace, we have a dedicated, talented, and enthusiastic young group as part of our Parish. I salute them for that. It is everyone's duty to encourage them.

Last Sunday (October 27) is Family Sunday. Family is established by God and is the visible reflection of the Kingdom of God. The Holy Family of Nazareth serves as a model for the unity and shared experiences of parents and children living together according to God's will. Unity and warm relationships among family members are essential for a meaningful family life. I humbly invite and request all our Parish members to participate in worship together as a family on that day. Those who have received the Holy Qurbana should come prepared to partake in it. May that day be a blessed one.

God willing, we are planning to have the Dedication of our new Parsonage on 1st December 2024 by our Diocesan Episcopa, Rt. Rev. Dr. Gregorios Mar Stephanos Thirumeni. I earnestly request the prayers and support of all the members for the successful completion of the project. Let us work together for the glory of God.

May God bless us all.
Have a blessed October!

Much Love
Veeramala Achen

Meet Our Vicars.

Rev. James M. Koshy Veeramala Vicar & President

Phone: +91 75589 10885

Rev. Joseph Ayrookuzhy Vice President - Clergy

Phone: +91 98801 70848